Parenting The Explosive Child

"Fixing" the problem causing the behaviour without judgement

Parenting The Explosive Child

"Fixing" the problem causing the behaviour without judgement

If you are the parent of an EXPLOSIVE child or teenager, it can be challenging to know how to respond when they have an outburst. You may feel frustrated, angry, or overwhelmed yourself and worry about how your child's behaviour is affecting the rest of the family.

Many mumas end up feeling their child's behaviour is their fault and that they have failed as a parent….adding to the emotional turmoil and stress already engulfing the family.

In this two-part training, you'll uncover how to see past your children's inappropriate behaviours so that you can address the problem fuelling it...because if you "fix" the problem driving the behaviour, guess what happens? -the behaviour goes away! If the only thing you focus on is the behaviour, then the behaviour rarely disappears.

The first part of this training, focuses more on you than it does your child, exploring how your own assumptions and judgements may be negatively impacting how effectively you reach your child.

Then, in part 2, we'll address specifically your child and looking past their behaviours to understand what is causing it so you can work together to resolve it, insha'Allah.

By the end of this workshop you will...

Discover how cognitive distortions (taught in CBT) manipulate the perception of events

Raise your awareness and recognition of common unhelpful thinking patterns that may be preventing you from helping your child

Learn how to lean into curiosity instead of judgement

Reduce the daily battles that are upsetting for everyone

Walk away with a simple framework to help you get to the root of your child's explosive behaviours so you can positively work together overcome it, insha'Allah

If you are the parent of an EXPLOSIVE child or teenager, it can be challenging to know how to respond when they have an outburst. You may feel frustrated, angry, or overwhelmed yourself and worry about how your child's behaviour is affecting the rest of the family.

Many mumas end up feeling their child's behaviour is their fault and that they have failed as a parent…. adding to the emotional turmoil and stress already engulfing the family.

In this two-part training, you'll uncover how to see past your children's inappropriate behaviours so that you can address the problem fuelling it...because if you "fix" the problem driving the behaviour, guess what happens? -the behaviour goes away! If the only thing you focus on is the behaviour, then the behaviour rarely disappears.

The first part of this training, focuses more on you than it does your child, exploring how your own assumptions and judgements may be negatively impacting how effectively you reach your child.

Then, in part 2, we'll address specifically your child and looking past their behaviours to understand what is causing it so you can work together to resolve it, insha'Allah.

By the end of this workshop you will...

Discover how cognitive distortions (taught in CBT) manipulate the perception of events

Raise your awareness and recognition of common unhelpful thinking patterns that may be preventing you from helping your child

Learn how to lean into
curiosity instead of judgement

Reduce the daily battles that are upsetting for everyone

Walk away with a simple framework to help you get to the root of your child's explosive behaviours so you can positively work together overcome it, insha'Allah

One of the most important roles you have as a parent, is to equip your children for success in both this life, and the Akhira.

What is decreed for your children, only Allah knows. But, the responsibility to cultivate, guide and prepare them towards that which will benefit is on you.

You cannot live your children’s life FOR them. You cannot rescue them every time they fall. You cannot take upon your shoulders what is their responsibility.

They have to develop the life skills they’ll need to help them reach their fullest potential and overcome the trials that will undoubtedly come their way.

Through this workshop, you’ll learn how you can help your child get ahead of the rest by becoming their very own life-coach for success, insha’Allah, empowering them to take ownership and responsibility for their life instead of trying to live their life for them (which we all know, you can’t).

Reduce the daily battles and find a real solution

to difficult, challenging behaviour

Reduce the daily battles and find a real solution to difficult, challenging behaviour

You can access this training as a member of Mums Unstuck's Parent and Motherhood Growth Coaching membership, or you can purchase without membership here

You'll receive

Parenting The Explosive Child Part 1: Stinking Thinking (2 hours 58 minutes)

Parenting The Explosive Child Part 2: Beyond Behaviours (2 hours 28 minutes)

PDF guide that provides detailed training notes for each masterclass in the two-part series

Join with or without membership

You can access this training
as a member of Mums Unstuck's Parent and Motherhood Growth Coaching membership, or you can purchase without membership here

You'll receive

Parenting The Explosive Child Part 1: Stinking Thinking (2 hours 58 minutes)

Parenting The Explosive Child Part 2: Beyond Behaviours (2 hours 28 minutes)

PDF guide that provides detailed training notes for each masterclass in the two-part series

Bonus Workshop

For the first time ever, I'm giving you access to an earlier workshop replay we held last year titled "Controlling The Trigger".

You'll have the replay and accompanying workbook.

We all know children need warmth, kindness, compassion and respect. Yet, despite knowing this and learning intentional parenting strategies, mumas still complain they’re unable to control their reactions when buttons are pressed—unleashing a storm of anger, frustration and impatience that is fueled by an unknown rage.

It’s a cycle that perpetuates constant self-criticism, feelings of failure and damages relationships with children.

It’s incredibly difficult if not impossible, to parent successfully and help your children manage their own emotions if you are unable to manage and regulate yours first.

The reality is, 99% of parenting isn’t about controlling your child’s behaviours. It’s about managing your own.

To do that, you must have a greater sense of self-awareness so you can understand where your anger, frustration and impatience is stemming from….because trust me when I tell you, more often than not it isn’t coming from your child.

The reaction you have to your child, is often a symptom of something else, a deeper wound that is being pressed upon and causing pain. In this bonus training, we’re going to dig a little bit further and take a look at healing the wound beneath that plaster so it doesn’t continue to bleed.


Is this live?

No, this is a replay

How long do I have access to the replay?

There is no time-restriction to viewing. Once purchased, your training will remain inside your private training library as long as Mums Unstuck continues to operate (which I pray is many years to come!).

Is this workshop accessible free inside the Mums Unstuck parenting membership?

Yes, it is

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